Music »

Gene Simmons, born Chaim Weitz‎; June 25, 1949, is an Israeli-American entrepreneur, singer-songwriter, actor or actress, and rock bassist. Termed "The Demon", he could be the bassist and vocalist of Kiss, a hard rock-band he co-founded in the early 1970s.
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Music »

Gene Simmons, born Chaim Weitz‎; August 25, 1949, is a great Israeli-American entrepreneur, singer-songwriter, actor, and rock bassist. Termed "The Demon", he is the bassist and vocalist with Kiss, a hard rock band he co-founded in the early 1970s.
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Music »

Gene Simmons, born Chaim Weitz‎; June 25, 1949, is a great Israeli-American entrepreneur, singer-songwriter, actor, and rock bassist. Termed "The Demon", he could be the bassist and vocalist associated with Kiss, a hard rock band he co-founded in earlier 1970s.
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